



  • 1
    Secure Destruction of sensitive data is the LAW!
  • 2
    Recycling does not equal data destruction!
  • 3
    Thieves now target recycled computers to recover information for blackmail, extortion and identity theft.
  • 4
    Government pushes to implement severe fines for improper data disposal and recycling.
  • 5
    Secure data destruction is the cheapest insurance policy a company can buy.


was designed to fill the most urgent need identified by clients of the Data Destruction industry,

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Is your deleted data really gone?

Put your mind at ease with absolute data destruction!

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secure data destruction (information)

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secure data destruction
(the process)

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Digital Media Destruction

Absolute Data Destruction Inc. specializes in the secure and certified destruction of digital data devices such as hard drives, tapes and other digital media. Absolute Data Destruction’s sole purpose is to facilitate the permanent destruction of personal and corporate data devices using a “zero landfill” shredding process. DVDs, CDs, hard drives, cell phones and laptops are being used more and more these days for document storage. After all, these storage methods are neat, easy to use, compact, but very simple to steal from. We must remember how important it is to securely and responsibly dispose of digital media the same way as you would dispose of your hard-copy materials. Simply deleting or over-riding your hard drives does not assure that your confidential documents and information is not accessible.

What happens to the old computers or smartphones when you upgrade your office equipment for your staff? How do you handle your customers' information or your correspondence with them? Do you know if secure and digital media destruction takes place? Most computer printers hold thousands of pages of copies in memory - imagine all of the information that some unknown source could steal without your knowledge. Discarding hard drives by simply deleting or erasing them is not enough. Though programs delete data, some just delete the directories on the drive (and actual data still remains). Restoration of this information is possible, offering access to private information understood to be destroyed.

The most successful way to make sure that the complete removal of data is done properly on an old hard drive is to physically obliterate it. Meaning that the hard drive will be destroyed and the remaining materials will be shredded. Absolute Data Destruction is a secure media shredding company that present you with protected containers (StrongBox) to easily store your hard drives and other digital media at your site until a data destruction technician arrives to pick it up. What this gives you is a secure sequence of safekeeping from the moment the hard drives are put in the StrongBox until the certified destruction is all complete. An ADD technician will remove the StrongBox and take it to the offsite shredding facility for permanent destruction. You will be offered a destruction certificate to confirm shredding from start to finish, successfully destroying computer-related products such as DVDs, CDs, hard drives, cell phones and laptops. No matter if you have two hard drives or 2000, Absolute Data Destruction will be able to verify the destruction of your materials in a safe, sound and secure manner. Contact Absolute Data Destruction today at (416) 742-7444 . read more

Our Certification

Other News

Value Added Resellers

Corporations are becoming increasingly concerned as to how to protect their confidential data from unauthorized and/or fraudulent access especially when it comes to disposing of their redundant computer equipment. read more

Corporate Client Services

The risk of releasing confidential data to the public, or disposing of technology in a manner not environmentally sound is so great, that corporations find themselves in a legal dilemma. read more

50 Leading Road Unit # 5 Toronto, Ontario M9V 4B5

Phone: (416) 742-7444

Fax: (416) 742-7411


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