Cellphone and BlackBerry “destruction” are loose terms that are tossed around water cooler discussion more and more. The terms could lead the listener to believe that the hard drive is physically being destroyed, but this is actually not the case.
IT managers should confirm in writing that the hard drives are mechanically and physically destroyed by the provider, and not simply “wiped” and resold back into the market. It is hard to believe that managers of large corporate entities would intentionally choose to forgo security and choose a less secure means of destruction with the endless headlines, enormous lawsuits, and huge government fines as of lately.The laws clearly define that the liability must stay with the “data owner” regardless of whether or not a service provider is hired to destroy their most confidential data. Ensuring that the hired contractor has certifications and the most secure service possible is paramount when selecting a partner to manage what C-level executives argue to be “the single most vulnerable responsibility”: that is hard drive destruction. It is the least expensive component of the lifecycle for a digital media device; however, it is by far the process that exposes corporations to the largest liability.
Make sure your it team is choosing wisely
At Absolute Data Destruction, the only service offered is complete and total physical destruction of hard drives. Absolute Data Destruction has multiple redundancies in place to make sure that your hard drives are COMPLETELY DESTROYED the day they are received. The hard drives are received, individually accounted for by unique serial numbers, and run through massive disintegrators that grind them into hundreds of tiny pieces.
Did you know that...
You cannot de-gauss a solid-state drive (SSD). With price parity approaching
and given the superior properties of SSDs, enterprises are going big for SSDs
(both laptops and the data center)
You cannot reliably over-write an SSD (proven by the UC/San Diego research)
Destructive methods necessarily destroy the drive (causing valuable inventory to be lost)
Corporations are becoming increasingly concerned as to how to protect their confidential data from unauthorized and/or fraudulent access especially when it comes to disposing of their redundant computer equipment. read more
Corporate Client Services
The risk of releasing confidential data to the public, or disposing of technology in a manner not environmentally sound is so great, that corporations find themselves in a legal dilemma. read more